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Manage your team's time more efficiently
Manage your team's time more efficiently

Learn how to manage your team using Toggl Track by assigning team members to projects and running reports on their tracked hours

Veljko avatar
Written by Veljko
Updated over 2 months ago

Now that you've added team members to your Toggl Track organization, we'd like to share a few tips on managing your team and tracking where they spend most of their time. This will give you better control over your projects, help you manage your team better, and identify room for improvement.

Initially, when you add users to an organization, you can choose which Workspace to add them to (Enterprise users only) and which role to assign - user or admin.

Another user role that will come in handy is the project manager role which can only be assigned to project members of a private project. Please check out our Access Rights and Privileges article to learn more about user access rights and project privacy settings.

Assigning team members to a project

Toggl Track projects can be public or private. By default, all projects are created as private projects, which we will be focusing on now because only private projects can have project members.

You can add project members to a private project from its settings page. To access the settings page for a specific project, you need to locate the project on the Projects page. You can either scroll through the list of projects or use the filters at the top to quickly find the project you need.

Once you locate the project you wish to add members to, all you need to do is click on it to access its settings page, where you will be able to add projects members using the 'Members' tab:

giving manager rights

Hover over a User in the role field to assign manager rights and click on Give manager rights.

As you can see, from that same page, you can choose to make one of the team members a manager for that project - otherwise, by default, the project manager will be the user who created the project initially. Only project team members can access the private project and use it to allocate time entries.

Running reports

Time entries created by your team members can be viewed on the Reports page. By default, when you go to the Reports page, you will see the Summary Report, but there's also a Detailed and a Weekly report view that provides a different insight into your team's activity.

All three report types have a set of filters allowing you to single out the data you need to see for your selected date range. There's also an exporting function and the ability to create a Saved Report or a scheduled one sent at custom intervals.

All team members have access to the reports page, but only administrators can see all the data on that page and edit the data if needed. Project managers can see public and private projects they are a part of, the same as regular users.

Viewing recent activity

To view recent time entries your team members have created, head to the Team Activity tab. This can be found under Organization > Workspace > Select Workspace> Activity tab. Only Admins can access this page unless its visibility is set to everyone on Workspace Settings.

team activity screen

Here, you can view the most active team members in the last seven days and review Activity by User or even the Last 20 time entries using the dropdown filter.

If you still have questions about managing your team members, please contact our Support team by clicking on the purple chat icon in the bottom right corner of this page to start a chat.

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