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Access rights and privileges
Access rights and privileges

Learn how to set up permissions and privileges in your organization and workspace and decide who sees what

Vedran avatar
Written by Vedran
Updated over a week ago

You can control who can view which data in your Organization and its workspaces by providing different users with different access to your data.

Which user roles can be assigned?

In Toggl Track, there are six user access levels (roles):

  • Members with regular user rights

  • Project managers

  • Project Leads (available on Premium Plan only)

  • Team Leads (available on Premium Plan only)

  • Workspace admins

  • Organization admins

When inviting members to an Organization, you can choose which Workspace to add them to and whether you want to make them a regular member or an administrator.

Regular User Role

A regular user can:

  • Track time under projects they are members of

  • Track time to and view reports on public projects

  • View reports of their own tracked time

  • Add projects, clients and tags (unless the workspace administrator has disabled this option on the Workspace Settings page) (Starter or Premium plan required)

  • View projects and clients they have access to.

Project Manager Role

The user who creates a project is automatically designated the project manager. A project can have more than just one manager. Project managers can be set and changed on the project edit page. You can read more about assigning this role here.

A project manager can:

  • Do everything a regular user can do

  • Add team members to the project they manage.

  • Edit the project(s) they are the manager of

  • See all the time that has been tracked under the project(s) they are the manager of

  • See and edit the project members' hourly rates (available only if the "Who can see rates" feature in Workspace Settings has been set to "All")

  • View the Project Dashboard for projects they manage.

Giving project manager privileges

  • Open the Projects page and click on the project you want to assign a project manager.

  • Click on the "Team" tab.

  • Hover over a User in the role field and click on Give manager rights.

giving manager rights

Please note, if your Workspace Settings have "Who can see Billable Rates" set to Admin only, Project Managers cannot see or set Billable Rates.

Project Lead Role

Project leaders can edit and manage all Projects and Clients in the workspace as well as access reports only for those projects they are members of, giving this role more access compared to the Project Manager role. You can think of Project Leads as admins with limited access.

A Project Lead can:

  • Create public Projects

  • View Insights

  • View, edit, and delete all Tags

  • View, edit, and delete all Clients

  • View, edit, and delete all Projects, Project Users, and Project User Groups

  • View, edit, and delete all Tasks and Task Assignees

  • View, edit, and delete Billable Rates

  • View, edit, and delete Labor Cost

  • Access Reports for Projects they are part of

A Project Lead cannot:

  • View reports on non-public projects by others

  • View or edit workspace settings

  • Export data

  • Set up and manage integrations

  • Import data

Assigning the Project Lead role:

  1. Click on the "Team" button in the navigation-bar on the left side

  2. Click on the three-dotted control button to the right of a team member's name

  3. Click on "Edit"

  4. Make sure that "Member" is selected for the Organization Access. The Project Lead role is disabled for Organization admins as they have full access to all workspaces.

  5. Click on the current selection under "workspaces/access" to open the drop-down

  6. Select "Limited access: project lead"

The Project Lead role can be selected the same way also when inviting users to an Organization.

Team Lead Role

Team Leads have the ability to view most data available in the workspace, including Reports (for all projects). However, their edit rights are much lower compared to Project Leads. Team Leads are admins with limited access.

A Team Lead can:

  • View Insights

  • View all Time Entries

  • View all Tags

  • View all Clients

  • View Projects, Project Users, Project User Groups

  • View all Tasks and Task Assignees

  • View Saved Reports

  • View Billable Rates

  • View Labor Costs

  • Access Reports

A Team Lead cannot:

  • View or edit workspace settings

  • Create, edit, or delete projects

  • Edit billable rates or labor costs

  • Create, edit, or delete clients

  • Set up and manage integrations

  • Import data

Assigning the Team Lead role:

Prerequisite: Activating the Team Lead role is only possible if "Who can create projects and clients" is set to "Admins". The option is available in Workspace Settings.

  1. Click on the "Team" button in the menu-bar on the left side

  2. Click on the three-dotted control button to the right of a team member's name

  3. Click on "Edit"

  4. Make sure that "Member" is selected for the Organization Access. The Team Lead role is disabled for Organization admins as they have full access to all workspaces.

  5. Click on the current selection under "workspaces/access" to open the drop-down

  6. Select "Limited access: team lead"

Assigning the Team Lead role in Toggl Track

The Team Lead role can be selected the same way also when inviting users to an Organization.

Workspace Administrators

By default, the person who creates the Workspace is the administrator. Other administrators can be assigned while adding users to the Workspace.

If you'd like to change a user's workspace admin status when they're already part of the Workspace, you can do that in one of two ways.

First option:

  • Head to the Team page

  • Click the three dots on the far right-hand side of the user's name

  • Click "Edit" and a popup will appear

  • Click the workspace dropdown and click "admin".

  • Click "Save"

A workspace administrator can:

  • Do everything a project manager can do

  • Change workspace settings

  • Import CSV files

  • Edit all projects and clients

  • Edit team members' billable rate

  • See, edit and delete all time entries in the Workspace (includes time tracked by other members)

  • Decide who can create projects and see billable rates

  • Create public projects

  • Create and edit tasks in public projects

  • View the Project Dashboard for all projects

Settings on the Workspace Settings page control some visibility. See this guide for more details.

Organization Administrators

The user who creates the Organization is automatically an Organization admin. Other administrators can be assigned via the Organization> Organization Members page by clicking the 3-dot control > click Edit > change Organization access.

An organization admin can:

  • Do everything a workspace admin can do,

  • Add/remove organization users

  • Add/remove and manage user groups

  • Review organization settings

  • Manage the organization subscription.

User Groups

User groups can be created from the Groups tab under the Organization tab. Their purpose is to make managing larger teams/workspaces easier. Instead of adding each team member to every project, you can create a user group and add the group to the project, report filter, or Workspace.

User groups are also helpful when new members join the team. You assign them to the relevant user group instead of adding them to all the projects or workspaces.

Project privacy settings

There are two types of projects – Public and Private. Default project behavior can be adjusted from the Workspace Settings page (Project & Billing defaults).

Public projects

  • Accessible to all workspace users

  • All workspace users can participate (track time)

  • All users can view every single time entry tracked under public projects

  • Only admins can add or edit tasks within a public project

  • Admins can make a project public by un-ticking the "Private Project" box in the project creation window

Private projects

  • Only accessible to project members

  • Members can only see their own tracked time

  • Project managers can view all time tracked under private projects

  • Workspace admins can view and edit, all-time tracked under private projects

An existing project can be switched between Public/Private from the project edit page.

If you still have questions about access rights and user roles, please contact our Support team by clicking on the purple chat icon in the bottom right corner of this page to start a chat.

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