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Toggl Track Timer for iOS
Toggl Track Timer for iOS

Track time on the go. Available in the App Store

Veljko avatar
Written by Veljko
Updated over 11 months ago

Toggl Track: Hours & Time Log is a native app for iOS designed to help you track time while on the move. It syncs with your Toggl Track account allowing you to seamlessly switch between tracking time on the phone and tracking on the web or desktop.

It is a companion app hence more complex actions like setting up or editing your data structure; using advanced reporting tools etc are accessible via Toggl Track’s web app.

Note: To read which iOS we support and our deprecation policy, please go here.

This article covers:

Signing up and Logging in

On opening the app for the first time, you will be prompted to create a new account. If you already have a Track account, you can opt to log in using the same credentials. If you forgot the password, use the password reset page to regain access to the account.

A Google account can be used for signing up or logging in if you've already enabled Google login. If you have an existing Toggl Track account but can't sign in with Google, please check whether Google sign-in is enabled by opening the Profile page in the web app. For more details on Google sign-in, open this article.

If your company has enabled SSO login for you, you can use that to log into the mobile app.

Understanding the Toggl Track mobile app

The Track mobile app has four main areas:

  • Timer screen: List-view and Pomodoro

  • Calendar view

  • Reports

  • Settings

The navigation bar at the bottom allows you to move between the Timer, Calendar, and Reports screens. On the top right corner, you can see the Settings cog to go to Settings area.

List view iOS mobile app

Timer screen

The Timer screen is itself divided into two parts:

  • List View

  • Pomodoro

Timer Screen: List View

List view shows you a list of all your recent time entries. You can also view Track Again suggestions here.

1. Suggestions - a shortlist of your most tracked activities. Tapping an entry will start the timer for that entry.

Hide Suggestions

Note: You can disable the Track Again Suggestions from the Timer screen and from Settings > Timer Defaults.

2. The Time Entry log - a chronological list of your Time Entries, with time entry totals for each date.

If you have grouping enabled, time entries with matching description/task/project combinations will be grouped by each date. You can tap on the grouping to expand it. You can also disable grouping under Settings.

View list of time entries for the past days

3. Favorites - The Favorites bar shows you the time entries you have Favorited over time, so you can quickly start a new time entry from them.

Add Favorite time entries to start a timer quickly

4. Time Entry area - See the currently running timer or start a new time entry from this area. Click the QR code icon to start a time entry from a QR code.

Swipe and Undo

The app comes with two distinct swiping gestures on the Timer Screen. Both can be performed on existing Time Entries:

  • Swipe from right-to-left to delete a time entry or mark it as a Favorite

  • Swipe from left-to-right to continue a time entry

After a Time Entry is deleted an undo option appears at the bottom of the screen and is available for 5 seconds, just above the navigation bar.

Swipe actions

Note: Please be sure to use the "undo" option before it goes away, there are no other ways of reverting the delete action.

Timer Screen: Pomodoro

Pomodoro is a time management system where you break your tasks down into (usually) 25-minute sprints. This technique was developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. Learn more.

Our iOS app has a built-in Pomodoro function. Switch to the Pomodoro tab to get started.

Switch to Pomodoro

The Pomodoro tab allows you to enter time entry details, see the current remaining duration on a session, start and stop the session, switch to full-screen mode and go to Pomodoro Settings.

Main Pomodoro

To start a new session, click on the Start Session button or the "what are you working on?" prompt at the top of the tab. Here you can enter time entry details in the same way as on the List-view screen.

Once a session is started, you can stop a focus session, or skip a break, as needed using the button on the screen. You can also end your Focus session. The screen will display either the current remaining duration or passed time based on whether you have enabled the Countdown Timer or not.

Pomodoro Break and Focus Session

If you prefer to see fewer details, switch to full-screen mode while in focus session. In full-screen mode you can also stop session/skip break or exit full-screen.

Pomodoro Full Screen

Creating Time Entries

You can create new time entries in a few different ways.

To start a new time entry, press the Play button on the bottom-right of the screen or click on the "What are you doing" section. The editing section will slide up, allowing you to add more details to your Time Entry. By default, the timer will start ticking as you create a new entry.

When writing the description, you can use shortcuts to quickly insert Projects or Tags. Use @ to define a Project or # to define a Tag.

You can add a billable state, as well as adjust the start and end time of the time entry. You can also set the start time to be the last stop time for your day, stop the timer, or use the wheel selector to change the time entry. You can also generate a URL or QR code to start this time entry from.

Read more about this in the Editing Time Entries section.

Note: If a workspace admin has chosen to Hide start and end times, these fields will be hidden from the Timer section as well as the List view, when creating time entries in that workspace.

When you're finished making changes, remember to tap the Save button at the top right corner. Alternatively, tap the X icon in the top left corner to discard all changes.

To continue an existing time entry, press the Play button next to it

To start a manual time entry, click the Manual Mode button on the top-right of the screen.

Manual mode

To start a Pomodoro session, switch over to Pomodoro and click Start Session. More on Pomodoro in the iOS app here.

Editing Time Entries

When tapping on a running entry or an existing Time Entry the editing overlay opens up.

Edit time entry with keyboard

Swipe up to hide the keyboard and see more options.

While editing you can:

  • Edit the description, assigned Project, tags and billable state.

  • Set this time entry's start time to last time entry's stop time to avoid gaps in your day.

  • Edit the Start time or date

  • Edit the Stop time or date

  • Round the Stop time

  • Change the duration of the time entry by tapping on the displayed duration (HH:MM) in the middle of the time wheel

  • Adjust the Start and Stop time by dragging the stop and start icons along the wheel

  • Round the time entry's duration

  • Remove or add 5 minutes to the time entry

  • Generate a Start link from this time entry

  • Create and share a QR code for this time entry

  • Delete the time entry

  • Click Save in the top-right corner to apply the changes

  • Click "X" on the top-left corner to discard the changes

The Time Selector

Accessible when you create or edit an entry, the Time Selector allows you to adjust the duration, start time/date, and end time/date of a time entry.

Time selector
  • Drag the Play or Stop button back and forth to adjust the Start or End time. This will also update the duration. You can also click on the duration field in the center of this wheel to type in the duration manually.

  • You can click on the Start Time or End Time fields at the top of the wheel to adjust the time and date manually.

Creating Projects, Clients, and Tags

You can create Projects, Clients, and Tags on the go from the Track mobile app, however, you can only manage these items from the webapp.

  • Projects can be created when the Projects dropdown is open. Click the + Create Project option to do so.

  • While creating a Project, you can also create a new Client. Just click on the + Create Client option in the Client's dropdown. Do note, this option is only available when creating a new project.

  • Tags can be created via the Tags dropdown by clicking + Create Tag.

  • While in the Projects dropdown, you can use the 3-dot control to Edit a Project or Archive a Project. While Editing, you can change the Project Name, Client, change its privacy setting or color. Please note, you cannot un-archive a project in the mobile app, you can do this in the webapp.

Note: Tasks can only be created via the webapp.

Calendar View

To access the Calendar tap on the calendar icon on the bottom navigation bar.

Calendar view icon

The calendar shows existing Time Entries for the current day as colored blocks of time (based on the project color).

Click on an existing entry to reveal an action menu that allows you to delete, edit, duplicate or continue the selected entry.

Edit calendar time entry options

By long-pressing on an empty calendar slot, you can create a new Time Entry directly from the Calendar view. The default duration is 30-minutes.

To get the most out of the Calendar feature we recommend integrating one of your calendars with the Toggl Track app. Here's how:

  • Click on the cogwheel icon at the top right-hand corner

  • Click on "Calendar Settings”

  • Toggle the “Allow Calendar Access” option

  • Select the Calendars you want to sync.

Note: You are able to switch Calendar feature off from the same Calendar Settings page.

After you integrate your selected calendar(s) both events in your calendar and your existing Time Entries will be displayed on the Calendar screen. You can click on any Calendar entry to copy it as a time entry, or start a new timer.

Creating time entries from calendar event

Note: The calendar view allows you to see calendar events from the last 2 months.


Open Reports by tapping the bar-chart icon from the bottom navigation bar on the Timer screen.

Reports icon

Reports on the mobile app let you see a breakdown of your tracked Projects over a specific period of time.

Note: Mobile reports are limited to certain filters. For more detailed reporting, please log into the web app.

Here you can:

  • Click on the Settings cog (to change the workspace you're running the report for)

  • Generate a PDF export

  • Set a date range

  • Select team members to run the report for.

The Reports page shows you (based on your selected date range and users):

  • Total hours tracked

  • Billable hours and percentage

  • Billable amount

  • A bar graph showing you your time entries across the date range

  • A pie chart (after you scroll down) with a list of all projects or clients and the percentage of time spent on them.

Adjusting the Date Range

By default, when you access Reports you will see data for This Week.

You can also choose a custom date range, or use one of the preset date ranges at the top of the screen.

In the custom date selector you can:

  • Swipe the calendar left or right to browse through the months of the year (You cannot swipe forward if you're on the current month).

  • Tap two different dates to set the start and stop of the reporting period. Tapping on the same date twice will limit the period to one day.

  • Click Done to save changes

  • Tap outside the popup or click Cancel to exit it.

Note: Reports do not include time entries that are currently running. You can also only select maximum 365 days at a time.


The Settings screen can be accessed by clicking on the Settings cog on the Timer or Calendar screens.

Settings icon

Here you can:


  • Choose the active Organization and update the default Workspace


Your Toggl profile settings are shared between Toggl Track and Toggl Plan. You can view your Full Name, Email, Reports Timezone, and whether Google/Apple sign in are setup under your Profile settings.

Click on "Account Settings" to update:

  • Your name

  • Email address

  • Change your timezone

  • Update your login method

  • Change Password

Date and Time

Adjust your preferred date and time settings. You can:

  • Choose your date format

  • Switch to 24-hour clock

  • Change the time entry duration format

  • Change the day your week starts

  • Group similar time entries on the Timer screen

Date and Time

Timer Defaults

Here you can manage Pomodoro, and behaviours related to Pomodoro.

You can also enable/disable cell swipe actions and choose to show or hide suggestions. You can also choose to show or hide the QR scanner.

Timer Settings

Pomodoro Settings

Clicking on Pomodoro Settings under the Timer section opens the Pomodoro Settings page. Here you can customize the length of your Focus and Break sessions, enable/disable sound notifications and change some other settings.

If you use the Track app on WatchOS, you will receive pomodoro notifications there as well.

Pomodoro Settings

Focus/Break duration

You can customize how long each Focus and Break period will be. Default options include 10, 25, 55 and 90 minutes for Focus and 5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes for Break. You can also enter a custom duration here.


You also have access to some other settings for Pomodoro. You can:

  • Auto-start Focus Sessions: When a break ends, the end focus session will start automatically.

  • Auto-start Breaks: When a focus session ends, the break will start automatically.


  • Countdown Timer: Counts down the pomodoro session timer instead of counting up.

  • Notifications: Enable/disable pomodoro notifications for when your mobile app is in the background.

  • Prevent Screen Lock: Stop the phone from locking the screen while pomodoro session is ongoing.

Note: Sound notifications will only be triggered if you have auto-start focus sessions or auto-start breaks enabled.

Calendar Settings

Calendar and Apple Health Integration can be managed from this section.

Calendar and Apple Health integration Settings
  • Calendar Settings: choose which calendars to pull data from. You will also see any calendar integrations you have enabled in the webapp here.

  • Apple Health Integration: Integrate your workouts and mindfulness sessions into your calendar view and create quick time entries from them. You can also choose to set a default project for these time entries.

Apple health integration

General Settings

At the bottom of the screen you will find General and Feedback & About options.

General Settings
  • Choose which theme (light or dark, or match with OS settings) you prefer.

  • Submit Feedback to our team

  • About: Check the app version, our Privacy Policy, and Term of Service

  • Help: Navigate to this guide and our Support site

  • View current Sync status

  • Sign out of app

  • Close Account

Dynamic Island and Live Activities support for iOS

With Dynamic Island and Live Activities support in iOS, you'll have a simpler and cleaner way to manage your running timers without needing to open the app

  • See your running time entry in Lock screen (live activities) and notification center (iOS 16.1+)

  • iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max: See your running entry live in the dynamic island

Live Activities

The video above shows how Live Activities appear on iOS devices that support it. To enable this, find Track in your iOS Settings and ensure Live Activities is enabled.

iOS Widgets

Toggl Track app for iOS currently supports widgets, the supported widgets are:

  • Start Time Entry: Allows the user to start a time entry with a single tap.

  • Running time entry: Shows the details and duration for the currently running entry, it can also be used to start and stop time entries.

  • Suggestions: Shows four suggestions based on your most tracked entries so that you can start tracking recurring entries with a single tap.

Syncing Data with Servers

If your mobile device's Internet connection is solid, data syncing happens automatically even if the app is in the background. From time to time you may notice a rotating wheel indicating that the app is syncing with Toggl Track's servers. You can also check the sync status on the Settings page.

Due to temporary connectivity issues or other factors, syncing issues with mobile apps are, unfortunately, more common than those with the desktop or web app.

To prevent data loss the app notifies you if some of your entries have not been saved to our database with an exclamation mark next to them.

Time Entries that have been marked with !-icons are at the risk of being deleted if the connection isn't restored. If you notice these icons and "syncing failed" error message:

  • Try pulling down on your Timer Screen. We recommend syncing manually as often as possible, for example, every time you either start or stop the timer.

  • If manual sync didn't help and the ! icons are still visible - do not log out of the app as this will cause data loss. Instead, take note of these entries so you'll be able to add them manually later.

  • After you've made sure to back up any un-synced Time Entries from the mobile app, please log out of the app. Logging out clears the app's local data and this is why the previous step is important since we don't want you to lose data.

  • Log back in to see if clearing cache helped with the syncing issues you were having. If the issue persists, please contact our support team.

Here's an article with more information on how syncing between various Toggl Track platforms works.

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm an existing user, why aren't there any entries on my Timer screen?

To keep syncing on mobile as stable as possible the app will pull only data from within 10 days of your last login. You might not see any data in the app if you haven't tracked time for a while. Open Detailed reports in the web app to review your past time entries.

I don't see my main calendar listed when opening settings to link calendars with the app. Why is that?

Please make sure that the native calendar on your device is linked to the main calendar you use. For example, if you're using the Google Calendar, make sure that your Google account has been set up on your mobile device. By doing so, the native iOS calendar app will have access to your Google Calendars, therefore Toggl Track app will also have access to your Google Calendar.

Why are entries from my calendar not showing up in Toggl Track?

User calendars other than the default are cached by their providers and we can only read from the cache.

Note: In the Google calendar you can force the calendar app to refresh the cache by clicking “Refresh” from the menu in the top right corner.

How is the "Suggestions" section populated?

The "suggestions" section shows you three items you can quickly start time entries from.

It shows:

  • Up to 1 calendar entry for the next closest event,

  • Up to 3 most used time entries.

Need more help or have suggestions for improvements? Contact our support team via chat using the purple chat button in the bottom-right corner.

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