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Tracking time in the Calendar view

View your time entries across organizations on a Calendar in the Toggl Track webapp. This guide covers how this view works.

Nida avatar
Written by Nida
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Our Calendar view allows you to easily see what you did all week in one view. On this view, you can look for gaps in your day, and add or edit time entries. You can also easily see how much time you logged for each day.

To see your time entries in Calendar view, switch to either the "Weekly calendar" or "Daily calendar" view on the Timer page.

Timer Views

Unlike List view, the calendar views display your time entries across all organizations if Show All Entries is enabled in the View settings.

Use the Date Picker at the top of the page to scroll through weeks/days.

On the left of the Date Picker, you will see your total time tracked for the week you are viewing. Clicking on it will open a filtered Summary Report where you can see all the time entries contributing to that total. Please note, Reports are workspace specific and also do not include currently running timers.

Important: You can only see time entries up to 60 days in the past in Calendar-view. To see time entries prior to that, please use Reports.
You can input entries for up to 90 days in the past using the calendar view.

Click on the Zoom buttons in the top-left corner to zoom in and out. Clicking on the tiny x icon next on the Date Picker will take you to Today or This Week. You can perform the same task by hitting the T key on your keyboard.

Each time entry is shown as a colored block (using selected project colors) on the calendar, and shows the time entry description. In day-view, we also show the start and end time on it. You can click on it to edit the Time Entry, or click anywhere on the screen to create a new one.

The Calendar view also shows you a “current time” indicator in the form of a purple horizontal line. 

Calendar Settings

External events from Google Calendar can also be imported into our web app calendar. You can connect an external calendar to your account from Calendar-view. Here's more on this.

Add Time Entries

To add a time entry, click anywhere on the calendar and a popup will appear where you can add time entry details. The start and end time fields will both be populated with the same time, based on where you clicked on the calendar. 

You can also click and drag on the screen to create a larger time entry, and we will pre-populate the start and end times based on this. 

While creating a time entry you can enter: 

  • Description 

  • Project (and Task) 

  • Tags

  • Choose whether it is billable or not.

  • Start and End Time

  • Duration

Click Add when you're done to save the time entry.


Editing Time Entries 

Time Entries can be continued, duplicated, or edited by clicking on them. Or you can use the 3-dot control in the popup that opens when you click on them to Split them (Starter plans only), Pin as Favourite, Copy Start link, Go to Project or Delete them. You can also drag and drop entries to another slot in the calendar. 

You can click on any field in the popup to edit it.

Edit options

For drag and drop, just hold down your left-mouse button and drag the time entry wherever you need it, you can also drag the top and bottom of the entry to edit the start and edit time. 

Useful Information: 

  • To change the first day of the week, please go to the Profile Settings page. 

  • If your Admin has enabled the “lock time entries” feature, you will see time entries with a padlock on them. These time entries cannot be edited, nor can new time entries be added to this locked time period. Read more here

  • If your Admin has set “required fields” for each time entry, you will be unable to save a time entry without all the necessary fields filled. The popup will prompt you if you miss something out. Read more here

  • Very short time entries will not display any details in the box, however, you can use zoom to make the time entry larger, or click on it to view more details.

  • On the highest zoom-view, clicking and dragging the will expand the time entry in 10 minute increments, whereas on the other two zoom-views, this will be 5 minute increments.

  • Time entries can be split into two by clicking on an existing time entry, and clicking on the 3-dot control in the popup. This is a Starter plan feature.

  • Only time entries over 10 minutes long can be split.

  • Note: If a workspace admin has chosen to Hide start and end times, time entries created in that workspace will have a default starting time of midnight.

Thanks for trying out our Calendar view! Do let us know if you have feedback by reaching out to our support team via chat or email.

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