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How to cancel a subscription?

Canceling a subscription and preventing future charges

Veljko avatar
Written by Veljko
Updated over a year ago

Canceling the subscription will prevent Toggl Track from charging you in the future. Please note that access to paid features won't be suspended immediately. Since Toggl Track charges in advance, the workspace will remain on the paid plan until the end of the current billing cycle.

The steps required to cancel a subscription are:

  1. Open the Subscription > Overview tab

  2. Click on "Cancel Subscription" in the My Plan section.

  3. Go through the confirmation screens and your subscription will be canceled.

  4. Your organisation will remain on the paid plan until the end of the current billing cycle, after that you will not be charged any more.

If you cannot change your subscription, it could be because a change to this subscription is currently pending. In this case, please reach out to Support via the chat button in the bottom right corner.

Need more help or have suggestions for improvements? Contact our support team via chat using the purple chat button in the bottom-right corner.

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