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Upgrading to a paid plan

Becoming a customer and paying for Toggl Track

Veljko avatar
Written by Veljko
Updated over a year ago

Signing up for a paid plan and managing your subscription happens on the Subscription page (in the Toggl Track web app). You can access it anytime by clicking "Subscription" in the left-side menu.

  • Click on ‘Commit to Premium’ on your Overview page, or choose a different plan from the All Plans page.

  • Choose between Annual and Monthly billing.

  • Choose the plan you wish to upgrade to.

Check the Plan you selected and fill in the required Billing and Payment details on the next screen.

Expand this to view screenshots for each section

  1. Review your plan (annual or monthly) and click Next

  2. Enter your billing details, email address (where we will send payment related emails and invoices) and your VAT (if required)

  3. Add in your payment details

  4. Click Finish and Pay and you will be shown a confirmation

Once everything is set up, navigate back to Toggl Track, and you’ll see the summary of your subscription on the Overview page.

Regarding VAT - European customers only

  • We charge VAT for all customers within the EU.

  • If you have a valid VAT number, please add it to your billing information from your Subscription Overview page. If a valid VAT number is entered, we do not add VAT to your invoice.

  • Your VAT number must include the 2-letter country code, for example - GB123456789.

  • If your VAT number is getting rejected, please check it’s entered correctly, or that it’s active via here.

  • We can not add a VAT number to a paid invoice retroactively.

Need help upgrading your organization? Please contact our Support team by clicking on the purple chat icon in the bottom right corner of this page to start a chat.

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