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Toggl Affiliate Program FAQs

The most frequent answers and questions about the Toggl Affiliate Program.

Olina Karagianni avatar
Written by Olina Karagianni
Updated over a year ago

Joining the Program

  • How do I become a Toggl affiliate?

    You can become a Toggl affiliate by joining the Program here.

  • Are there any joining fees?

    No, there are no joining fees. Entering the Toggl Affiliate Program is completely free of charge.

  • For which Toggl tools does the Toggl Affiliate Program apply?

    The Toggl Affiliate Program applies for Toggl Track. If you become a Toggl Partner, we’ll get in touch with you for a custom agreement for our other Toggl products.

  • Do I have to be a Toggl Track customer to become an affiliate?

    We’d love it if you used Toggl Track (we offer a generous free plan and a 30-day Premium trial), but it’s not a necessary prerequisite to join the affiliate program.

  • Where can I find my affiliate link?

    Once you sign up here and confirm your email address, you’ll be able to find your affiliate link in the affiliate platform dashboard. You can log in to your existing account here.

  • Can I customize my affiliate link?

    Yes, you can within the affiliate platform dashboard.

  • Can I join other affiliate marketing programs while in the Toggl Affiliate Program? Yes, you can join other affiliate marketing programs while in the Toggl Affiliate Program. While we’d love to be your go-to time tracking option, we don’t forbid you in any way from promoting other time tracking tools.

  • Which are the Toggl affiliate tiers?

    There are 2 Toggl affiliate tiers. You join the Toggl Affiliate Program as a Toggl Affiliate and can grow to a Toggl Partner once you bring 100+ Toggl Track paid seats:

Toggl Affiliate

Toggl Partner


0-100 paid Toggl Track seats

100+ paid Toggl Track seats


30% on the first eligible payment of every Toggl Track organization

30% on the first eligible payment of every Toggl Track organization, and 5 free paid Starter seats for 1 year


10% off (standard public discount) on annual plans

Custom discount codes up to 20% off (on top of the 10% off annual plans)

Eligible products

Toggl Track

Toggl Track, Toggl Plan, Toggl Hire*

Promotional assets

Guest blog opportunities

Partnered with Toggl co-branded material

*The 30% commission does not apply to Toggl Plan and Toggl Hire. Those products will have custom agreements per affiliate.


  • How much do I get paid?

    You get paid a 30% flat commission on the first payment each Toggl Track organization makes.

  • What is considered an eligible payment for commission?

    An eligible payment for a commission is the first payment a Toggl Track organization makes. Please note that the organization should not be in an active sales process with us at the time of the affiliate link click. We also reserve the right to contact you or the referral anytime to verify the referral source.


    • You bring traffic to Toggl Track, and a user creates a new account/ organization. Every new organization is eligible for a 30-day free Premium trial. They onboard 50 people during their trial and proceed to make a payment for 50 seats on an annual Starter Plan. This is an eligible payment, and your payout will be 30% of what they paid.

    • The same team decides to onboard 10 more people, so they make another payment. This is not an eligible payment, and you won’t get a commission.

    • The same team decides to upgrade to the Premium Plan. This is not an eligible payment, and you won’t get a commission.

    • An existing free Toggl Track user who has never been on a paid plan sees your blog post and follows your affiliate link to purchase a Toggl Track paid plan for their existing organization. This is an eligible payment, and your payout will be 30% of what they paid.

  • How do I get paid?

    You get paid via PayPal. Please make sure to enter the correct PayPal address in the affiliate platform settings.

  • Is there a minimum payout threshold?

    Yes, there is a minimum payout threshold of 30€.

  • When do I get paid?

    You will receive payment within 90 business days of your most recent eligible payment after reaching the payout threshold of 30€.

  • Do I receive additional commission if a Toggl Track customer upgrades to a higher-tiered plan in the future?

    If a Toggl Track customer upgrades to a higher-tiered plan in the future, you do not receive additional commission. We take into account the first payment Toggl Track organization makes only.

  • Can I use my own affiliate link to purchase a Toggl Track plan?

    No, you cannot use your own affiliate link to purchase a Toggl Track plan. If we suspect any fraudulent behavior on your part, we reserve the right to ban you from the affiliate program and from using any Toggl products.

Tracking and reporting

  • What happens if a sale that I referred gets refunded?

    If a sale gets refunded within 45 days, your commission will be canceled.

  • How does Toggl Track track referrals?

    Toggl Track tracks referrals through your affiliate link. Those links rely on cookies to track referrals. We’re using the Rewardful affiliate platform.

  • What is the lifespan of the referral cookie used to track my referrals?

    The lifespan of the referral cookie is 90 days.

  • Are there reports regarding my account referrals?

    Yes, there are reports regarding your account referrals; you can find them in the affiliate platform dashboard.

  • What happens if the person who is my referral visits Toggl Track later through the link of another ambassador?

    If the person who is your referral visits Toggl Track later through another affiliate's link, we attribute the sale to the first affiliate who sent the referral. We are using the first touch attribution model.

Promoting Toggl Track

  • What promotion methods are accepted?

    We welcome a variety of promotion methods to offer you the flexibility to select the approach that best suits you. Most of our affiliate partners promote their affiliate links via blogging, SEO, PPC (pay-per-click) advertising, email marketing, YouTube, WordPress, and more. In the case of a paid advertisement, you are not allowed to direct any users straight to your Toggl affiliate link for competition reasons. You need to direct users to your own website/ blog/ video first.

Toggl Partner

  • What is a Toggl Partner?

    A Toggl Partner is the highest affiliate tier we offer, with many custom benefits. You need to bring us 100+ Toggl Track seats in order to qualify. Once you do, we will get in contact with you to arrange the details.


  • I have more questions or need support with the affiliate platform, who do I contact?

    You can reach out to us at We typically reply to affiliates' requests within 5 business days. Please include your affiliate link in your request.

    You can find the detailed terms and conditions of the program here.

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