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Exporting data

Download personal data and timeline. Export your reports or export all workspace data from the Toggl Track web app.

Vedran avatar
Written by Vedran
Updated over a week ago

Toggl Track offers various options for exporting data, depending on what you want to export. Learn more about these options, as well as how long it may take for an export to be sent to you in this guide.

  • Exporting time entries

  • Exporting user data, including timeline information.

  • Exporting workspace data

  • How long does it take to export my data?

Exporting time entries

If you’d like to export Time Entries, please do so on the Detailed Report page. We recommend you download the export as a CSV which is explained within our support article on Detailed Reports.

Download reports

Important Notes:

  • The data you can export will depend on your current active Workspace. If you work on more than one Workspace, make sure to switch to the correct one first.

  • You can only export the time entries you have access to. This means regular users can only export their own time entries or entries for projects they are project managers for. Admins can export all time entries.

  • You can choose from different Duration formats on the Profile page.

  • Certain export formats are only available on Paid plans.

Exporting user and timeline data

Any user can export their Profile Data, with the option to include their Timeline information through our web app at

To export Profile Data or Timeline data, visit the Profile settings page. Click on the Export Account Data button in the upper-right corner.

Export account data

Check the items you want to export, then click on the "Compile file and send to email" button below. 

Export account data

This will pull the selected data together into a single ZIP file, and a download link will be sent to your email address. The link will expire in 72 hours.

Important notes

  • The Timeline feature only stores data for the last 90 days, by exporting this data, you will receive the full 90 days of Timeline data.

  • Timeline data is only saved if you use the Timeline feature.

  • Timeline start and ends times are shown in UNIX Epoch time. You will need to convert these numbers to see standard date and time formats.

  • You have to be logged in to the Toggl Track web app in order to access the ZIP file shared via email.

Exporting workspace data

Workspace data can be exported by workspace Admins on the Data Export page under Settings.

Here you can choose to export projects, project members, tasks, clients, tags, user groups, subscription invoices and much more.

Exporting workspace data

Once you've chosen the data you need to be exported, click "Compile file and send to my email". The link can be accessed while logged into Toggl Track and is valid for 72 hours.

Important Notes:

  • Only one export can be compiled at a time per Workspace. Another one cannot be initiated until the one being generated is finished.

  • Invoices will be exported as PDF. All other data is in .json format.

Exporting Insights - Data Trends

Some data can be exported from Insights directly. This currently only includes the Data Trends - Projects information.

Use the download button in the top right corner to download the report in CSV or Excel.

This export includes, for each Project:

  • Daily Average Variation

  • Created

  • Status

  • Project Name

  • Contributors

  • Total (hours)

  • Total Variation

  • Daily Average (hours)

How long does it take to export my data?

It depends on how much data you’re trying to export. In most cases, exporting Time Entries from the Detailed Report page generates a download within a few seconds.

Compiling Personal Profile Data exports should take a few minutes at most. A download link will appear in your email inbox soon after.

Workspace settings can take a while, depending on the amount of data you are exporting.

Need any further help? Feel free to contact our Support Team

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