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Time Tracking Goals
Time Tracking Goals

Create daily or weekly time tracking targets for you or a team member to achieve

Kristy Christie avatar
Written by Kristy Christie
Updated this week

Set up time tracking Goals for yourself or, if you have the necessary permissions and a Starter subscription, for a team member in your workspace.

What are Goals?

Goals are time targets you strive to achieve on a recurring basis, that you can monitor directly on your Timer page. They help you keep your priorities front-of-mind, so that you can make time for them each day.

To track progress towards your Goal, you link them to specific projects, tasks, and/or tags. You can also choose if you want to limit it to Billable time entries. Any time tracked that matches these conditions, will be added to the Goal.

Examples of the type of Goals that users create include:

  • I want to track at least 5 hours of billable tasks each weekday (Mon-Fri)

  • I want to track at least 2 hours a day on my OKRs each weekday (Mon-Fri)

  • I want to exercise at least 1 hour each day (Mon - Sun)

  • I want to spend less than 5 hours in meetings per week

Please note: You can have a maximum of 4 active Goals.

Creating a Goal

You can create a Goal from all Timer page views: List-view, Weekly Calendar and, Daily Calendar on the Webapp, or from the List-view on our Windows App or iOS App.

Start by clicking the + sign in the Goals section. Fill in the Goal Name, choose an icon, choose the combination of projects, tasks, or tags that should be linked with the Goal. Choose if this Goal type is "at least" or "less than" and enter the targeted hours.

When the new Goal window opens, fill in the:

  1. Goal name

  2. Choose an icon to appear on your Goal dashboard

  3. Choose the projects, tasks, tags to be linked with this Goal

  4. If you only want the Goal linked to only time entries that are billable: Turn on Billable

  5. Choose if this Goal type is "at least" or "less than"

  6. Enter the number of hours you want to achieve (minimum is: 0.5 hours)

You can link your Goal to individual or multiple projects, tasks, and/or tags. The options available are:

  • All projects and tasks

  • Specific projects, including all their sub-tasks

  • Specific tasks within a specific project

  • Specific tags

The recurrence periods available are:

  • Each day (of the week)

  • Each weekday (Mon - Fri)

  • Every week

Examples of Goals & how to set them up

Depending on your goal and how you store time entries in your Workspace, there are different ways to link Goals to your time entries. Below are some examples.

I want to track at least 5 hours of billable tasks each weekday (Mon-Fri)

In this case, the user wants to track all billable time to any project. So they would choose:

  • Project: All Projects

  • Billable state turned on

  • Goal type & target: At least 5 hours

I want to spend less than 5 hours in meetings per week

In this case, the user wants to track any meetings they have, no matter which Project it is. They intend to add a #meeting tag to each of those time entries. So they would choose:

  • Tag: #meeting

  • Goal Type: Less than

  • Goal type & target: At least 5 hours

I want to exercise at least 30 mins each day (Mon - Sun)

In this case, the user tracks their exercise times to a specific project. So they would choose:

  • Project: Exercise

  • Goal Type: At least

  • Goal type & target: At least 0.5 hour

Note: If the Exercise project has tasks such as Swimming, Running, etc. Any time logged to any of its tasks would also progress the Exercise Goal.

Frequently Asked Questions

I tracked time but it wasn't added to a Goal

If you are using a native app (eg: iOS, Android, Windows app etc), you need to be online and it might take up to a few minutes for the time to be synced to the server

Who can see my Goals?

  • Goals created by for yourself, are personal and only visible to you

  • Goals created by a Team Lead or Admin can be viewed by them as well as the individual team member

Which platforms are Goals available on?

Goals is currently available on:

  • Webapp

  • Windows desktop app

  • macOS desktop app

  • Android mobile app

  • iOS mobile app

How do Goal icons work?

  • They are to make it easier for you to differentiate between Goals - there is no change in the Goal behavior between the different icons selected

  • The color of the icon changes automatically based on the progress of your Goal. Green indicates you have reached the goal, yellow indicates progress is needed, and red indicates you are behind schedule.



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