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New Tab Page

Take Track with you to every new browser tab you open with our New Tabs page for the browser extension

Nida avatar
Written by Nida
Updated over a week ago

The New Tab Page for our browser extension is how you can take Toggl everywhere online: whenever you open a new tab, there it is — your personal dashboard for managing and tracking your time. Create a task list, start a timer, see the most recent time entries, and integrate your calendar to stay on top of your meetings.

Starting a new timer from this page will open Focus Mode. You can return to the New Tab Page by clicking the x in the top right corner.

You can also easily navigate to our webapp, reports, extension settings, and knowledge base from the links in the top right.

Enabling New Tab Page

To enable the New Tab page, open the Track Browser Extension, click on the Settings cog. This will open the Settings screen for you.

You will find the option to enable "Enable Toggl Track’s new tab page" under General > Other Settings

Setting up a To-do List

Set up a to-do list for yourself on the New Tab page. You can also see the current date and week in this widget.

Click on the Play button that shows when you hover on any item to start a new time entry.

Items can be marked as Done when you have completed them. Tasks marked as Done will be deleted from the list at the start of each day to keep the list manageable.

Important: Your to-do list is only saved locally on the browser and not in Track. Your to-do list and progress will be lost whenever you restart your browser or clear the cache.

Viewing currently running timer and recently tracked entries.

The currently running timer is displayed in the top-right widget when you are on the New Tab page.

Here, you can update the description, project, tag, and billable state and stop the time entry. More on creating time entries here.

Your recently tracked time entries are also shown on the New Tab page. You can, on hover, also see a Play button next to each, which allows you to quickly start a new time entry with the same details.

Upcoming Events

You must integrate your Google or Outlook Calendar to Toggl Track to display upcoming meetings on the New Tab Page. You can click the Open Link button to view the event in your calendar.

When you enable the New Tab feature, you will be asked to give us permissions to "read your browsing history". This allows us to know that you opened a new Tab. More details here.

Have any other questions? Click the purple icon in the bottom right corner to contact our Support team!

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