How do I log into Track with SSO?

Learn how to use SSO to log into Toggl Track.

Nida avatar
Written by Nida
Updated over a week ago

Organizations on Premium plans can enable SSO for their teams. Here is how you log into Toggl Track for the first time with SSO.

For new Toggl Track users invited into an SSO-enabled workspace

  1. If you're invited to an SSO-enabled workspace, check your email for a signup link.

  2. Click the link, enter your email, and click a button.

  3. You'll be directed to your identity provider to sign in.

  4. After signing in, you'll be redirected to Toggl Track and logged in.

For existing Toggl Track users invited into an SSO-enabled workspace

  1. If invited to an SSO-enabled workspace, accept the invitation from the notification bell in the web app.

  2. You now have access to the new workspace using your usual email and password.

  3. To use SSO, visit the SSO login page, enter your email, and click the button.

  4. Sign in through your identity provider and get redirected back to Toggl Track. This step will link your Toggl Track account to the identity provider set up for the new workspace. However, you can still login with my email address and password if you go to the normal login page.

Note: If you've been using SSO, just click "Log in with SSO" without the need for extra steps.

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