If you are setting up SSO for Google Workspace, these instructions will be useful for you!
Log in to the Okta Admin panel and choose Create App Integration in the Applications tab
A pop-up will appear, choose SAML 2.0 and click Next
Set the app name and logo. You may wish to tick the Do not display application to users if you would like to enable the app later.
You will be presented with a list of options that need to be filled
These options come from Toggl, so let’s jump there for a moment in another browser window. Go to Toggl Profile Settings and choose Create SSO Profile
Set the profile name and the company domain
Note the ACS URL and the Entity ID - we will use them shortly.
Go back to Okta Settings and use the values obtained from Toggl to fill in the Single sign-on URL field using the ACS URL from Toggl and then filling the Audience URI using the Entity ID from Toggl**.** In addition, set the following parameters: Name ID format to EmailAddress Application username to Email
Make sure that Response field is set to Signed in the Advanced Settings. You can leave the rest of the parameters as defaults. Click Next
You can fill the Feedback section to your liking or leave it empty and click Finish
You will be presented with a Metadata URL
Copy the URL, then go back to Toggl SSO Profile settings, tick the I have access to an IdP metadata URL and paste the URL.
Click on Submit for review
At this point you are done with the configuration. Please allow some time for the Toggl Support team to verify the configuration and that you are eligible to use the selected domain. Once the verification process gets completed, you will be notified by email.